How to cook short necked clam?
Short necked clam rich in protein and easy to cook. Let's share a method of how to cook short necked clam.
Price of Short necked Clam is Increasing
From May 2021, the raw material price of short necked clam began to rise and there was no downward trend.
Nutrition Facts of Short necked Clam
Our company is located in the largest short necked clam producing area in China. The clam has high nutritional value, low price and have various cooking methods. Let’s see the nutrition facts below:
The sea freight continued increase
Affected by the epidemic, sea freight continued to rise.
"Dog days" is a period of continuous high temperature in a year, in which "three" volts refer to the first, middle and last.
Sand spitting method of clam
Today, we're going to share a sand spit method:50 degree method help us to spit sand of clam
At present, the most common clam on the market is the short necked clam, which has become the most common clam in the world
Clean and tidy production environment
How to spit of sand?